Bungee Jump// Storms River Day 16

Now I’m not too sure what it was i had planed for today, i know i planned something for every day i was staying somewhere and 3 nights in storms river meant i had at least 2 things i wanted to do but i cant remember now. What i did do however was not what i wanted to do i would never do it again and it wasn’t even on my bucket list to do… And that was a bungee jump!!! This cost me R890 around £50 so really cheap to decide i wanted to do it really and then R400 for photos and video and i needed these as proof! It is the worlds highest bungee on a bridge i believe and well go big or go home i guess.

I got a free lift here as some other people who had their own car was doing it and there is always someone doing it so always a high chance of getting a free lift too or a really cheap split shuttle.


Personally i would never do it again you couldn’t pay me anything to do it again now i know what it feels like and had i known i wouldn’t have done it, it was so un rewarding and i don’t know what made me think it was a good idea or why i was talked into it by so many people. But it is done and ticked off my list (even though it wasn’t on my bucket list) i never have to do it again and i can always say i have done it.


After the bungee me and 2 others that i had met previously on the trip went along to the Titsikama National Park the entrance fee for this is R90 and you can do so many different walks and hikes hear as well as spend time at the beach, we did a short walk after the walk to the restaurant that is to the suspension bridge over the river mouth into the sea, hear we got to see to whales also and that was really lucky as they don’t often come into that area.

The walk was around 30mins each way and then you can go onto a look out point i sat at the pebble beach and did not do that bit as it was another hour up a very steep hill with rocks. You can do a lot more walks than this in the park that last for a lot longer as well as stay hear over night.


We had food at the restaurant there and was well priced and very delicious if your going to do a walk there a treat once finished of yummy dinner and some Malva pudding for desert.

For the bungee i recommend bringing your balls mind the language, and for the walks a bottle of water a jumper/jacket as it can get breezy as well as a camera.

If you would like a good laugh then please click here to watch the video!!! along with more from the rest of my trip.

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