Edge Walk Auckland Sky Tower

So my posts from NZ are going to be slightly different as I’m not filling my days with all different activities like I did in South Africa, I live here now so until I start traveling around properly I will just be writing about each activity I do rather than a full day plan.

The first activity I’m talking about as you’ve probably guessed from the title is edge walking on the Auckland sky tower. I booked mine through STA Travel but if you would like up to date prices for the edge walk or other activities they do then click here.

I opted not to do the sky jump as I would like to maybe do that in Canada as I know the CN Tower there do the same things ad I have a lot planned in New Zealand as it is and if I travel to Canada I would like to do something there…



Now by the time I’ve come to do my edge walk I’ve done around 5 to 6 things that were to do with heights on this trip alone so you would think I would be over my fear by now, but I can assure you I wasn’t and if you watch the video below you can clearly see me NOT hiding my fear… I don’t think what helped was the fact we were put on hold as the winds were too strong, and then them saying they have calmed down just enough to go ahead with the walk. By this point I’m already picturing myself being blown off the top. Once I got up there and onto the platform you could really feel the wind and I didn’t want to like go of the rope holding me on but the guide/leader was just incredible she really tried to make sure everyone had fun and stayed as calm as possible by doing things to take your mind off it, by the end we were dancing are way back as you see in the video.

I really did enjoy the walk and I’m really glad I did it (unlike the bungee jump) the staff there were really friendly and helpful, just lots of fun all around if your thinking of doing it I would say go for it you feel very accomplished after doing it. I got a free ticket to the observation deck after, I think everyone does after doing the edge walk or sky jump from what I know of, I would recommend doing the edge walk in the morning to get all the views at day and then use your free ticket to go at dusk as there is not time limit once your up there and you get to see Auckland at dusk and night time.


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