
My last and final stop of my Canada adventure was of course Toronto. Here I stayed at the HI Hostel that was in really good location to most things with just a short walk.

Quebec City

Quebec city was my last stop on the east side of Canada and was just as beautiful as the 2 French city’s previously, however the buildings here just seemed to have that little bit more granditure to them with the new buildings still being cladded with copper roofs to blend in well with the rest … More Quebec City


Little did I know I wouldn’t be able to understand anything or anyone here, I assumed it would be just like Ottawa and everyone spoke English as well as French and had English subtitles on everything but oooooh no, most definitely not.


The next stop on my trip was Ottawa now each stop on the east side I had 3Nights in and arrived at a reasonable time so I basically had 2 full days and a half of a day, however I’d just gotten in a bit of a stump and ended up only spending 1 full … More Ottawa

Niagara Fall’s

My first stop in Toronto was to go to the Niagara Falls since I would be leaving the day after to head up to Ottawa we will get back to what I did in Toronto itself and start with the Niagara falls day trip I did.


Whistler looks just like the cute little ski village that you every imagined it a ski village would look like, so beautiful and picture perfect.

Vancouver Island

My original plan was to head to Whistler for 2 days once I got back to Vancouver however after finding out there was no snow to ski there I decided to just have a day trip there instead and that left me with a spare day and what better to do than go to Vancouver … More Vancouver Island


If you’re coming into Calgary from the Grayhound you will need to have coins or card to pay for your train ticket to get to your hostel or hotel in the center.


Due to the lack of public wifi and real people in the transit terminals I got well and truly lost in Edmonton looking for my hostel 4 hours of being lost in fact, and as it turns out from the Grayhound station it would have only been a $20 taxi ride.


I had a huge issue with accommodation in Jasper, I originally booked a HI way out of the town center with no way of getting there, so I canceled this and opted for the one in the town centre what also turned out not to be there and more of up a mountain only 10minutes … More Jasper